As a store owner, you will receive emails for various reasons, the big two being:
1. Order Notification emails when a customer places a new order
2. Emails received when a customer fills out the contact form on your website
If you're not receiving these emails, please consider the following causes:
1. Please verify you are using the correct email address
Emails sent from SupaDupa will sent to the main user of the account - that being, the user that appears first in the list when you visiting the 'Users' section of your SupaDupa store backend, found under the 'Shop Settings' tab. Do note that this email address is separate from the email address used for your PayPal account in Shop Settings - although you may choose for these to be the same.
2. Please check this email address can actually receive emails
Emails may fail to reach you if you happen to have ran out of space, or if there is a technical issue at your email providers end. To rule this out as the problem - please try sending yourself an email from a different email account, or asking a friend to send you an email.
3. Please check your Spam or Junk box
It could be that the email is not hitting your inbox, and instead being recorded as spam. For this reason, please check your spam box - and if the email is found there, be sure to flag it as non-spam, so your email provider learns from this and future emails do indeed hit your inbox.
4. Check with your Email Provider
Should none of the above resolve the matter - please contact your email provider and make them aware of the issue. It could be that their systems are incorrectly flagging emails from SupaDupa as spam, and thus preventing them reaching your inbox.
If this article does not provide the answer, then get in touch and let's see how we can help you further!

Written by Guy Schragger
Updated over 3 years ago