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Product Listing
Guy Schragger avatar
Written by Guy Schragger
Updated over a week ago

As your store grows and you begin to add more products to your online store, you're going to want to better organise your product listing so you can keep on top of product inventory.

With this, we've created product tools which will allow you to better view and sort your products.

1. Sort Product Tool
You can sort your products using one of the following options:

a) Date created - (list oldest or newest first)
b) Alphabetically - (list either A-Z or Z-A)
c) Stock quantity - (both ascending and descending order)

From within your SupaDupa admin > Products page, sort your products by either:

i) Clicking on the arrows seen beside the headers.
This will list your products in either alphabetical order or stock quantity order.
See below:


ii) Organise your products using the 'Sorts products by...' dropdown menu.
See below:

2. Grid view tool
You can also view your products in grid view, closer matching how your products are displayed in your shop - particularly useful for stores with only a few products.
See below:

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