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How to add coupons
Guy Schragger avatar
Written by Guy Schragger
Updated over a week ago

The coupons feature is available on the Professional plan and above. You can create and run as many coupons as you would like and can also directly share your discount code on social pages too!

To create a coupon within your online store, simply go ahead and:

1. Log into your SupaDupa admin

2. Click on the Marketing tab and choose Coupons
See below:

3. Click on Create Coupon
See below:

4. Add coupon name
From here, give this coupon a name for you to remember it by: e.g. "Summer Promotions", "Craft Magazine Autumn"
See below

5. Add coupon code
This is the code your customer will use as their coupon when they get to your checkout. e.g. SUPA1234

6. Choose your discount type
Give your customer a discount based on: a percentage of their order value off, a fixed cash value off or free shipping

7. Restrict number of uses
Decide how many times you want this coupon to be used. If you never want it to run out, then set the toggle to is becomes grey

8. Set coupon start and finish date
Decide on how long you would like this promotion to last. Your store timezone is currently set to your destination

9. Valid when?
What you want your customer to do in order to use this coupon?
Your customers can either: buy anything, spend at least or buy at least.

10. Limit coupon
You can apply this coupon to ALL products in your shop by leaving the Limit coupon toggle grey.

Or, limit this coupon to a subset of products by clicking on the Limit coupon so it becomes green, then choose Collections and from here you can select the collections you would like the coupon to be restricted to.

See below:

Alternatively, you also have the option of searching for particular Products to apply using the products search provided. See below:

11. Click Save Changes
Once you have created your coupon, simply click on the Save changes button.

See below:

That's it - you're done!

Coupons will be listed on the Coupon page. From here, you can share all coupons directly to your Facebook and Twitter pages.

See below:

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